Saturday, August 15, 2009

Musically Inclined

Hello, friends, family and fellow bloggers.

I have been incredibly busy, and so I haven't had much of a chance to update. However, let me catch you up. I am unpacked in KC, MO. I am in love with my room - see Facebook for pictures. I actually have a room that matches my age; it's a blessing.

Getting settled in took longer than I expected. Moving into a new place, even though we're at the same campus, is a challenge! It's fun to try to find the new routes to places. At one point this week, I was driving home from the Hacienda Walmart in Kansas, when I started chatting with an old friend on the phone. Before I realized it, I was parked and getting ready to get out of my car at home; that is until it dawned on me that I had automatically driven to the old apartment on Roanoke. Oh, geeze! I got back in the car and called my old teammates - so they could have a laugh about it.

Along with new challenges, there are some extremely huge things to come this year. Our students have shown nothing but enthusiasm for this year. I have never been more impressed with a group of young adults in my life. They are so inspiring!

Being in KC has brought on some interesting prayer. We have been attending Mass and holy hour at St. Peter just down the street - a church we never went to last year. It's amazing. Fr. Steve, our former chaplain, is now the pastor there, and he is awesome as ever. He's helping so much in the transition between Fr. Rocha and himself. Fr. Rocha has been busy, but has seemed really excited about his new role with FOCUS at UMKC. He's got the energy we'll need! Prayer has had sporatic points of highs and some interesting dryness; I am thinking I'm just getting used to having a set schedule instead of praying on my own time. The other day was amazing: I had a song stuck in my head. I first started hearing this song when I was making the drive to and from Colorado Springs for Brittany and Brandon Diegel's wedding. The song is Revelation Song by Phillips, Craig and Dean. Yeah, if you're a K-LOVE listener, you know what I'm talking about. I was praying using Revelation 5, and, of course the song popped in my head since the lyrics are from that chapter. It was phenomenal to reflect not only on the ultimate goal of eternal salvation and life in heaven, but also the spiritual mystery and reality of the Mass. Thinking of the hosts of angels praising the Lord most especially at the moment of consecration singing those words (ok, so in Scripture it said elders, but, you get the point), put me in incredible awe. We are completely unworthy for the mission He's called us to, but at some moments He brings us into the Holy of Holies - His Throne Room - to challenge our hearts and intentions. Who do we serve? Welp, I'm with the Book of Joshua - Me and my house will serve the Lord. I'm praying for humility of intention as we enter this fall outreach time on Monday. Please pray for humility of intention and success in reaching souls for Christ.

Ok, this coffee shop in Brookside is about to shut down, and I'm thinking they want me to leave soon so they all can go home. Many blessings, love and prayers. Pray for me!
St. Bernard, St. Joseph, St. Therese, St. Francis Xavier, St. Maximillian Kolbe (whose feast was yesterday) and Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Pray for us!
Happy feast of the Immaculate Conception.

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